Monday, February 11, 2013

Wonderfully Broke.

I have been stressed lately beyond belief, all my energy and thoughts are being consumed by negativity lately and I really just need to make a fresh start. I thought I'd I'd pop back onto the internet and see how long it's been since my last post, well it's obviously been too long ! I recently quit my job because of some unfortunate differences with my employer, I was on the lower end of the totem pole and the place was overstaffed so when they would do cuts I was the first to go. 4 shifts in a row and then I decided it was enough, plus I got extremely sick for a couple of weeks and couldn't do much but lie around and drink orange juice. anywayy back on topic, this dress was a gift from my friend ebon whom I love dearly, it's a perfect fit and I just love the floral print on it. I usually wear it with some skinny jeans, being winter and all, but the tights just seemed to be a perfect match for the dress.
 This loose striped top is sooo comfortable, tbh I don't much leave the house wearing it though, the fit isn't all that grand, only because it's the kind of thing I would imagine on A 100 pound model who doesn't need much fitting because they're soo tiny. Me on the other hand, well I have to work with what I've got, an hourglass with extra minutes ;) haha
 Green laced waist skirt I thrifted, and the sketched top I bought from target AGES AND AGES ago, probly summer 2005 but I could never seem to get rid of it, even after going through my clothes many times and throwing away things, this one always stuck around.
 So a couple weeks ago my brother came up here from Texas with his girlfriend and they all spent the week at my place, it was great, we went ice-skating visited some family and I finally learned to play poker :) anyway the second day they were here we were all sitting around talking about how getting some fresh ink would b fun, and I told them about this little shop in town that does good work for extremely cheap. So we all headed off to the shop and did a walk-in, my brother got a spawn symbol on his arm and sara (his girflriend) got a cute little brown bunny on her lower abdomen, and I got a magic shroom with "To Eac His Own" scripted underneath. It's already completely healed ! not sure how much I like the circle straight in the center, the way he did it, but I figure I can always get it shaded a bit more later on if I want to :)

Sunday, January 6, 2013


WUT?! :) lolol. wow, things are really good right now, I've been working every day this week and making bank, not to mention I get the next two days off! I plan on spending it with some real good folks downtown and chilling at chief's where we can get some real cheap beer right off tap, it's gonna be a real good. wow did I just use the word "real" 3 times in one sentence? Why yes, yes I did :)

I love these leopard print tights that I bought at Ross's at the end of the summer, they're super comfy and cute.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


HAPPY NEW YEARS! my night was great, I rang in the new year being plenty wasted and playing cards with my friends. We did go to a party around 10 but it was definitely not our scene, ICP fanatics, so we decided to just go chill at the apartment instead and it was great. anywayy I decided my new year's resolutions for 2013 are (no specific order):
-Lose 40 pounds
-Practice communication and feelings
-Pay off my old apartment debts
-Find a great guy

I have quite a few more but these are kind of the top list items :)
newayy have a good night folks.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

After Christmas Sales

So now that Christmas is officially over things are settling back in to "normal" I mean the New Years is still right around the corner which I am looking extremely forward too! But other than that everything seems to have slowed down quite a bit. Anyway I got a few gifts this year, a gift card to Old Navy which I was more than happy about, it's one of my favorite places to shop. I bought a few tops and a cute pencil skirt there today, as well as a pair of blue tights that I love. Anyway here are a few of the items that I got for Christmas this year :)) Enjoy:

 This is the turquoise pencil skirt that I got at my trip to Old Navy, along with the "lazy" white top.

The blue tights I also grabbed there, and was trying to see what I could wear them with that I already had in my closet.

Well have A HAPPY NEW YEARS !! :)) i'll be back soon with more to share.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Not A creature was stirring, not even A mouse.

 I feel like I have been all over the map lately, my moods go from the "happiest go lucky son of a bitch" to "damn my life sucks" within days, I mean it's mostly because of my personal body issues I guess you could say, It's like when I'm out and about with friends I don't think about my LB's half as much as when I'm at home or walking somewhere by myself. I woke up today feeling like 80 pounds had dropped on me, when really the scale reads a few pounds less than the last time I checked it. WTF is that? and why does my mind play such crafty tricks on me? I'm physically and mentally just tired of over thinking my physical form. Especially since lately all I've been doing is being good to it, I've been eating much healthier, exercising daily and drinking plenty of water yet.... no satisfaction found. Well I mean I have these moments where I feel super excited about losing weight, but then I realize that I'm just never going to be that perfect thin girl with a perfect ass. I'm just not, I am me and I have plenty of flaws on my list and what really needs to happen is for me to simply accept myself. There's some cliche material for you, lol.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Past 1:00 am

I'm awake still, about ready to pass out at this point though, but before I do I decided to post some outfits that I took pictures of earlier today :) thought I'd share my finds at goodwill with you all.

 I'm sure if you didn't notice the outfit kept evolving over a short period of time, I was adding on pieces as I continued to take the shots.
 My favorite two items would be my lovely denim vest and my brand new (well second hand) BOOTS!! as I'm sure you noticed by the numerous times they appear.
 Anyways I'm about ready to crash, so I bid you ALL adieu, nighteee night kittens!

P.S. I hope you all enjoyed seeing a little more of my closet.